
Showing posts from November, 2009

Is it right?

"When a woman falls in love.. No matter what a cheapskate the man might be.. He means everything to her..And when she hates someone..No matter how great the man is..He means nothing to her.." - MAHMJ

Communication Skill

I Have a Drinking Problem!! Is this a drinking problem or communication problem ? This could happen at work, home or anywhere else where people jump into conclusions and not listen!. Good COMMUNICATION is the best solution for many of problems that we might face in our life! Hence, do improve our communication skills. hehe

Salam 'Eiduladha :-)


Inikah Cinta

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In response to Elis' situation, aku akan sentiasa mengingati pesan umi " jangan sesekali senyum kat pendatang asing". Juga kepada Naem dan Huda, pasti belum melupakan pesanan umi ku ini. Sehinggalah ke hari ini, jika aku berjalan di sebelah mamat Indon, Filipina mahupun Vietnam apatah lagi Pakistan samada Muslim atau tidak, tiada segarit senyuman pun terukir di bibirku, inikan pula ketawa terbahak-bahak seperti yang berlaku di rumah. Tambahan di sekitar Nilai merupakan tempat perkumpulan pendatang asing dari seluruh pelusuk di Asia Tenggara, mereka pastinya berada di mana-mana, jika tersalah langkah pasti akan membawa kepada kisah cinta terlarang. huhu. Maka dari situ berlakulah kahwin lari atau memaksa ibubapa untuk merestui saja perkahwinan dengan bakal menantu berbangsa lain, kemudian mempunyai anak dan selepas itu, jika yang memeluk Islam kerana cinta, akan pulang ke agama asal, kemudian bercerai, selepas itu menuntut hak penjagaan ke atas anak...

Kehebatan Pencungkil Gigi



I'm not a medical student to talk about health but this article is very informative. Enjoy~ AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRY TO ELIMINATE CANCER, JOHNS HOPKINS ( a university) IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY . 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. 2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime. 3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. 4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Alhamdulillah, setelah menamatkan peperiksaan Law of Contract petang semalam, maka semester 3 akan berlalu membawa diri. Bermakna semester 4 akan muncul dengan subjek-subjek yang boleh melumpuhkan minda. Pagi semalam, setengah jam sebelum pukul 9 untuk menduduki peperiksaan di awal pagi, entah mengapa Mai terlepas juga mulutnya untuk bertanyakan Husna yang ke hulu hilir dengan nota tortnya. Kan pagi ni exam Contract? Maka pucat lesi lah wajahnya mengenangkan apa yang bakal ditempuhi untuk Contract pagi ini. Husna seperti mencari ruang untuk kelegaan, " bukan Tort pukul 9 ke? dalam slip tulis Tort pukul 9?", ujarnya dengan wajah yang masih terkujat. Saat ini jantungku pula yang bagaikan luruh sebentar. Benar..ish2.. Aku yang seperti lipas kudung segera menyambar nota tort yang sempat kubuat sehari lepas. Seluruh hidupan di dalam rumah itu mula meloncat-loncat ketakutan. Mujurlah..sekurang-kurangnya ada ingatan semasa aku membuat nota tersebut terhadap ca...

Elephant giving birth

Amazing but "Graphic" video from Bali of an elephant giving birth and her determination to revive the baby after it appears to be dead

I will never forgive

I feel lonely. I feel like crying. I wish someone calm me down. I feel like screaming so loud, in hope that the lonliness will go away; in hope that the desire to be lived in the life i have imagined will vanish. So much to do, so little desire to do. I just want to stay at home, in bed, watch movies, cry, reading , and pray that I'll get used to this feeling. I don't want to get used to it. But the pain of it, is hard to describe. I'd rather live without it then live like this forever. Two more papers pending, i hope i can achieve the best.InsyaAllah.


Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa in Sydney , Australia . The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades!!

My Conscience

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Have you ever imagined? Life is a competition, a contest, a tournament? Life is for testing our aqidah, our iman, akhlaq and everything are considered as tests in our life. Life always provide us with choices, but the choice that we make determine whether we are the winner or the loser. Yesterday I was due to sit for Constitutional Law examination and it’s really made me tired about 3 days passes. As I almost felt asleep, I used to get a nap for 1 hour but then it turned about 5 hours and I woke up in the early morning with my heart sounded..Dup dup dup because I wasn’t yet finish all notes given by madam intan. But Alhamdulillah, the questions was not much harder. But today, I feel want to scream in front of a sea especially at Pulau Tioman to release all 'yg terbuku' in my heart. I feel I can’t endure anymore obstacles that running in front of my eyes. wawawa. I want to be myself that not ‘skema’ person at all. I hate to be controlled by someone or ever...

Sesuatu yang sensitip

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Mari bersama-sama menghayatinya..Sesunguhnya tidak damai hati ini dan gerun setelah membaca,walau tidak melihat dengan mata sendiri.. Setelah solat subuh di Masjid Universiti Islam Madinah yang diimamkan oleh pelajar dari Yaman yg memiliki suara lunak dan setanding dengan Abdullah Fahmi AQ itu, ana pun cuba mencari sahabat – sahabat yang ingin menyertai projek ana iaitu menuju ke tempat yang akan melaksanakan salah satu hukum Allah iaitu Qisas. Selesai sahaja waktu pertama, ana pun terus keluar kelas dan pulang ke hostel untuk bersiap-siap. Lebih kurang 9.15 pagi, ana bersama sahabat ana iaitu abg Azhar dan abg Hakim bergegas menuju ke tempat upacara tersebut. Hati ana semakin berdebar – debar. Bukan disebabkan tak mampu menyaksikannya, tapi tak sabar menyaksikan satu peristiwa yang membuktikan tanda keimanan umat Islam yang akur dengan perintah Allah Ta’ala. Setibanya kami di sana, orang ramai sudah mula berpusu – pusu. Masing – masing mencari posisi yang strate...

You'll never guess whose houses these are!!

This guy earned it in a tough competitive business. Watch all the way to the end. He is This one, Totally made from gold Sultan of Brunei as known as King of Luxury.