Satu Otak Dua Jiwa..Macamana Tu?
Tatiana dan Krista Hogan adalah kembar unik yang satu-satunya berkongsi otak di dalam dunia ini. Mereka sememangnya tidak boleh dipisahkan melalui pembedahan seperti pasangan kembar siam yang lain. Ibu bapanya berkata, mereka mempunyai penglihatan yang sama bermakna mereka melihat sesuatu di hadapan adalah sama. Walaupun mereka berhadapan dengan situasi yang payah, kanak-kanak berumur 3 tahun ini membuktikan bahawa mereka bahagia. Adakalanya kanak-kanak ini berhadapan dengan masalah hendak pergi ke sesuatu tempat kerana percantuman ini menyebabkan mereka berebut untuk ke satu destinasi.
Keluarga yang penyayang: Kembar siam itu bersama ibunya, Felicia dan neneknya Louise.
" Kembar ini merupakan kembar siam pertama yang mempunyai hubungan 'common neurological" kata Dr Doug Cochrane, Paediatric Neurologist kembar itu.
Tatiana and Krista may even be able to see through each other's eyes.
It also makes them impossible to separate. Their mother, Felicia, and others believe the connection has given the twins unique powers.'They share a lot of things normal conjoined twins don't,' she said. 'They have special abilities to see each other, see what each other's seeing through each other's eyes. Ms Hogan recalled the moment she learned she was expecting conjoined twins.
But the pair are impossible to separate - a fact meaning they may be facing a tragic fate. She said: '[The doctor] just sat there and he's like, "Um, there's no way to say it, but your girls are conjoined, and they're conjoined at the head." 'And he's like, "I have no idea if these girls are going to survive... You still have time to abort them." And right then I looked at him and said, "There's no way that's ever going to happen".'Tatiana, the smaller of the two, has an enlarged heart and actually pumps much of Krista's blood to her brain. The complications have led to surgeries and more worries. 'We just kind of live today,' their mother says. 'We live within today. Forget about tomorrow, we'll deal with tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.'
Keluarga yang penyayang: Kembar siam itu bersama ibunya, Felicia dan neneknya Louise.
" Kembar ini merupakan kembar siam pertama yang mempunyai hubungan 'common neurological" kata Dr Doug Cochrane, Paediatric Neurologist kembar itu.
Tatiana and Krista may even be able to see through each other's eyes.
It also makes them impossible to separate. Their mother, Felicia, and others believe the connection has given the twins unique powers.'They share a lot of things normal conjoined twins don't,' she said. 'They have special abilities to see each other, see what each other's seeing through each other's eyes. Ms Hogan recalled the moment she learned she was expecting conjoined twins.
But the pair are impossible to separate - a fact meaning they may be facing a tragic fate. She said: '[The doctor] just sat there and he's like, "Um, there's no way to say it, but your girls are conjoined, and they're conjoined at the head." 'And he's like, "I have no idea if these girls are going to survive... You still have time to abort them." And right then I looked at him and said, "There's no way that's ever going to happen".'Tatiana, the smaller of the two, has an enlarged heart and actually pumps much of Krista's blood to her brain. The complications have led to surgeries and more worries. 'We just kind of live today,' their mother says. 'We live within today. Forget about tomorrow, we'll deal with tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.'