Sekitar pernikahan Munzir vs Aznizan

These pictures are requested by Maisarah. The event was at the night where the marriage was solemnized by Tok Imam who is also the bride's father . My brother pronounced the pronouncement twice. Actually, the first pronouncement is valid but I think the witness had ear problem.huhu. So, he needed to repeat it for the second time. Really I pity him. But however, congratulation to both of them!

Wedding ceremony on behalf of my family will be held on this Sunday. All these pictures are from Panasonic Camera, for better pictures are from Canon Camera belonged to my brother. He's still at Kelantan, having his honeymoon at Sungai Golok. So, only these i could provide here.hehe. Click for larger image.


Ahmad Ridhwan said…

mengikut gambar yg disediakan, rasanyer saksi berbaju biru tue memang bermasalah kot. syafahullah alaihi...
adele said…
itulah, dia kta ijabnya tak bersambung..sedangkan org lain melihat sempurna sudah..nway, alhmdulillah slmt semuanya..
dan said…
adilah, ucap tahniah pada munzir ya. lama benar tak jumpa dia, entah dia ingat lagi tak. barakallahu fih, moga kekal cinta ke syurga!

adele said…
insyaAllah, nnt sy smpaikan..rsanya dia msh igt lg..ssh lupakan produk2 tahap.. =)

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